Since my last post I've had lots of appointments for various things and not been as well. I've not been sleeping very well and suffering with migraines, so it's had an impact on the balance condition. It just makes it a little harder to focus, concentrate and feel less confident about getting out and about. It's all part of having Vestibulopathy with visual preference. It's a minor setback and I'll get back on track.
I hope you remember my last post. If you don't -go back and read it and watch the video. You will see Consultant ENT surgeon Professor Rea talking about balance conditions and dizziness. He talked about the often dramatic affect it can have on people’s lives.. It's not all bad news I might add even though it can be a long process, help and treatment is available.
In this video, Professor Rea explains what that help entails .
Recovering from a balance condition requires a lot of hard work and effort on your part, making sure you do the exercises you are given. I want you to see the type of exercises you might have to do from a vestibular physiotherapist. So I'm going to be talking to the lady I see. In the next few posts I'll be bringing those to you.
I’d really love for you to share your story with me – your journey! So I can share it with others. Professor Rea’s interview prompted a lot of you to get in touch privately. If you feel you can talk about it and would like to be a guest blogger, please do get in touch. Leave comments below, or seek me out on twitter @rupalr . Some of the people that have messaged me privately don't feel comfortable doing that and that's fine too.. I know for me , it seems to be helping. I don't feel so isolated, or as misunderstood . In fact I've noticed people/friends have become more considerate in how they behave with me. I don't have to try and explain what it is and how it's affecting me. They know, because they've been reading the blog. Which for ME, is a bonus. They know it's nothing sinister but know my limitations too and I don't feel as panicked about having to try and explain why I might not be able to do something. It's been really useful to write things down.
There are always going to be people who just don't get it, or just can't be bothered to take the time to find out what you have and how it affects you. And you know what - I say- let them go! You really do find out who your friends are when your going through tough times. I certainly have. I've also discovered those that are true friends. I have an extremely supportive family and those close to me who are there when I need them.