Thursday 4 July 2019


I’ve done it again haven’t I. Left it for far too long to communicate via this blog. I’ve genuinely wanted to write something for ages but life is just taking over. I can’t remember if I told you that I left my job. It’s one that I’d worked in for about 29 years. It was a hard decision, a heartbreaking one in fact, but you know what, it is probably one of the best things I’ve done in a very long time. Suddenly the pressure was off in one respect and another of course it meant financially things were going to be difficult. Since October 2018 ,thankfully, things are ticking along nicely. I’m now freelancing at the same place doing what I love ,but now ,I can pick and choose if I’m able to do the work when it’s offered.

The pressure’s off so I’ve been able to concentrate on getting better, working with the medical psychologist, the vestibular physiotherapist, and generally some amazing people that are part of my life. Without them all, it would be a harder journey. 

Anyway there’s more on the video.

As promised , here’s a link to the life on the Level website .